Course Info
- Lectures: Tue, Thu - 11:00 - 12:15 PM @ Bechtel 202
- Instructor: Joseph Bakarji
- Office: Bechtel 418
- Office hours: Thu 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
How do we go from a high dimensional, noisy, nonlinear, complex, and multiscale universe to simple and predictive mathematical models? This course introduces modern machine learning techniques using a wide variety of examples in physical, social and biological sciences. Modern data-driven approaches that take advantage of recent advances in machine learning are introduced, including: sparse identification of differential equations, dynamics mode decomposition, and physics informed neural networks.
Prerequisites: Programming Basics (EECE 230/231), Calculus and differential equations (MATH 202), Probability and Statistics (STAT 230 or MATH 218/219), Linear Algebra (MATH218), or equivalent experience.
- Machine learning is transforming science and engineering.
- The three pillars of artificial intelligence: modeling, learning and inference.
- Scientific Python: Scipy, Matplotlib, Numpy, Pandas, etc.
- What is scientific modeling: laws, differential equations, linear systems, networks etc.
- Noise, probability, uncertainty quantificaiton, nonlinearity and chaos.
- The problem of scales and high-dimensionality.
Introduction to Machine Learning
- Introduction to linear regression.
- Machine leraning theory: the variance-bias trade-off, hyperparameters, feature engineering, optimization, regularization.
- Types of ML models: parametric, non-parametric, supervised, unsupervised, etc.
- Application to empirical laws: Galileo’s pendulum.
Time-Series Analysis
- Types of time-series: one dimensional, multi-dimensional, discrete, continuous, etc.
- Statistical methods and signal processing techniques.
- Spectral methods: Fourier transform
- Auto-regressive models.
Modeling with differential equations
- Linear and nonlinear systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with examples
- Analytical and numerical solvers.
- System identification: finding coefficients of differential equations from data.
- Sparse models for discovering ODEs and PDEs from data.
- Genetic algorithms and symbolic regression.
- Gaussian processes.
Unsupervised learning
- Dimensionality reduction: singular value decomposition.
- Clustering algorithms and their applications in science and engineering.
- Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD)
- Dynamic Mode decomposition (DMD)
- Discovering fundamental physical variables from data.
Deep Learning
- Introduction to fully-connected and other types of deep networks
- PyTorch tutorial and examples
- Scientific applications
- Surrogate modeling for continuous systems
- RNNs for time series analysis
- Physics Informed Neural Networks (PINNS) and DeepONets
- Latent variable discovery with autoencoders
- Graph neural networks.
Project Description
You will be provided with a list of suggested datasets to which you have to apply concepts learned in the course. A progress report is due on the 9th week. Graduate students are encouraged to use data collected from or related to their own research projects (i.e. BYOD).
- Short Quizzes (10%)
- Assignments (25%)
- Late Midterm Exam (25%)
- Group project (40%)
- Proposal (5%)
- Progress Report (5%)
- Final Report (30%)
Course Learning Outcomes
This course will provide a brief overview of machine learning methods, with a focus on applications in engineering and science. The purpose of this course is such that students are able to
- Collect, visualize, and clean data.
- Master the basics of machine learning theory and implement them in Python.
- Apply machine learning concepts to problems in science and engineering.
- Propose a data-driven hypothesis given a scientific modeling question.
- Identify when a data-driven approach is needed and which learning algorithms are appropriate for a given dataset.
Course References
- Murphy, K. P. (2022). Probabilistic machine learning: an introduction. MIT press. Free online version
- Brunton, S. L., & Kutz, J. N. (2022). Data-driven science and engineering: Machine learning, dynamical systems, and control. Cambridge University Press. Free online version
- Géron, A. (2022). Hands-on machine learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow. “O’Reilly Media, Inc.”
- Kutz, J. N. (2013). Data-driven modeling & scientific computation: methods for complex systems & big data. Oxford University Press.